The Yellow Spiral Feather Duster Worm is a captivating addition to reef aquariums, known for its bright yellow, spiral-shaped crown that it uses to filter feed. This fan-like crown is not only beautiful but functional, allowing the worm to capture plankton and other small particles from the water column. The Yellow Spiral Feather Duster prefers a stable, low-flow environment with plenty of live rock to anchor its tube. With its peaceful nature and low-maintenance needs, it’s a popular choice among reef aquarists looking to add natural beauty and filtration to their tanks.
Care Information
Special Feature - Filter Feeding and Natural Filtration
The Yellow Spiral Feather Duster Worm’s fan-like crown functions as a natural filter, capturing plankton and other organic particles from the water. This peaceful filter feeder contributes to a cleaner, healthier tank environment by removing excess nutrients.
This feather duster worm is peaceful and works well in community tanks, coexisting safely with a variety of fish and invertebrates. Avoid housing it with aggressive fish or invertebrates that might pick at its crown, as this can stress the worm and cause it to retract.
Typical Habitat