The Yellow Coris Wrasse is a striking and active marine fish known for its bright, vibrant yellow coloration. This peaceful wrasse is highly popular in reef tanks for its algae-eating habits and ability to help control unwanted pests, such as bristle worms. Its active nature and bold coloration make it an attractive addition to any marine setup, while its peaceful demeanor ensures compatibility with other reef tank inhabitants.
Care Information
Special Requirement - Sand Substrate and Secure Lid
The Yellow Coris Wrasse requires a soft sand substrate, as it buries itself in the sand at night to sleep and hide when threatened. Providing a soft, fine-grain sandy area is essential for its natural behavior and overall well-being.
In addition, this species is known to be a jumper, particularly when startled. It is important to have a secure, tightly fitted lid on the aquarium to prevent it from leaping out of the tank.
Typical Habitat