The Strawberry Crab, also known as the Red Boxing Crab, is a visually stunning and unique addition to marine aquariums. With its vibrant red-pink body dotted with small white spots, it closely resembles a ripe strawberry, making it a beautiful and eye-catching addition to reef tanks. This crab is primarily nocturnal, spending its days hiding among rockwork and venturing out at night to scavenge for food. While generally reef-safe, it’s best suited for peaceful tanks with plenty of hiding spots to accommodate its shy nature.
Care Information
Special Feature - Nocturnal Behavior
The Strawberry Crab is primarily nocturnal, spending the day hiding in crevices and rockwork. At night, it emerges to scavenge for food, making it a beneficial member of the tank’s cleanup crew. Providing ample rockwork and caves will help it feel secure and display more natural behaviors.
The Strawberry Crab is compatible with peaceful tankmates, including most fish and corals. However, it may be territorial toward other crabs and small invertebrates if food or space is limited. To reduce any aggressive tendencies, ensure it has sufficient food and space.
Typical Habitat