The Six Line Wrasse is a small but colorful and active species that adds a lot of movement and personality to reef aquariums. With its vibrant horizontal stripes of purple, blue, and orange, this wrasse is as striking as it is useful. Known for its beneficial pest control abilities, the Six Line Wrasse actively hunts nuisance species like flatworms and bristle worms, making it a great addition to tanks looking for a natural method of pest control. However, it is known for its territorial behavior, particularly in smaller tanks.
Care Information
Special Feature - Pest Control
One of the standout qualities of the Six Line Wrasse is its ability to help control populations of pests like flatworms and bristle worms in reef tanks. While this behavior is beneficial, it is important to monitor its behavior with other invertebrates, as some individuals may show aggression toward shrimp or very small fish.
The Six Line Wrasse is a highly active swimmer and should be housed with other fish that can handle its energy level. In smaller tanks, its territorial behavior may become more pronounced, especially toward other wrasses or similarly shaped species. To reduce aggression, ensure the tank has plenty of live rock and hiding spots.
Typical Habitat