The Scooter Dragonet, also known as the Ocellated Dragonet, is a peaceful and fascinating reef-safe fish that captivates aquarists with its unique appearance and behavior. It has a mottled brown body with intricate patterns and spots, and its distinctive "scooting" movement across the substrate makes it a delightful addition to a mature reef or community tank. This dragonet requires a well-established tank with a thriving population of copepods or consistent supplemental feeding.
Care Information
Special Features - Unique Behavior and Grazing Habits
The Scooter Dragonet’s "scooting" movement across the substrate and rockwork as it forages for food adds charm and activity to the aquarium. Its constant grazing helps maintain a balanced ecosystem.
This dragonet is peaceful and thrives in community tanks with non-aggressive tankmates. Avoid housing it with fast-feeding or aggressive fish that may outcompete it for food. A stable and mature environment is crucial for its success.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations