The Red Linckia Starfish is a beautiful and peaceful marine invertebrate, prized for its vibrant red coloration and graceful movements. This species adds a striking visual appeal to reef aquariums and plays a role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem by scavenging detritus and algae. However, the Red Linckia requires a mature and stable environment with plenty of live rock to thrive, making it best suited for experienced aquarists.
Care Information
Special Feature - Vibrant Coloration and Natural Grace
The Red Linckia Starfish is known for its bright red body and five elongated arms, adding a touch of elegance to any marine aquarium. Its slow, deliberate movements make it a captivating addition for aquarists seeking a unique and visually appealing invertebrate.
This starfish is peaceful and works well in community and reef tanks. Avoid housing it with predatory species such as puffers, triggers, or large wrasses that may nip at or harm it.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations