The Red Coco Worm is one of the most beautiful and captivating tube worms available in the marine aquarium trade. Known for its vibrant red, spiral-shaped crown, the Red Coco Worm is a filter-feeder that uses its delicate fan-like appendages to capture plankton and suspended particles from the water column. This worm lives in a hard calcium-based tube it secretes for protection, making it a visually stunning yet delicate addition to mature reef tanks with stable water parameters.
Care Information
Special Feature - Hard Tube Structure
The Red Coco Worm secretes a hard, calcareous tube for protection, making it less susceptible to predation than softer tube worms. Its tube can be secured in the substrate or among rockwork, adding both function and beauty to the tank.
This worm is peaceful and highly compatible with reef tanks, provided there are no aggressive fish or invertebrates that might pick at its delicate crown. Avoid housing with fish like triggers, puffers, or large wrasses.
Typical Habitat