The Pink Tube Anemone is a beautiful and mesmerizing invertebrate known for its long, flowing tentacles and vibrant pink to purple coloration. Unlike true anemones, this species is a type of tube-dwelling sea anemone, which burrows into the substrate and extends its colorful tentacles to capture food. Its striking appearance and gentle movement make it a captivating centerpiece for any marine aquarium.
Care Information
Special Feature - Burrowing Behavior
The Pink Tube Anemone forms a soft, mucus-like tube in the substrate, which it uses to retreat when threatened. Unlike other anemones, it remains anchored in this tube and extends only its tentacles into the water column to feed. Providing a deep sand bed or soft substrate is essential for its burrowing behavior and overall well-being.
Due to its stinging tentacles, the Pink Tube Anemone should be placed carefully in the aquarium to avoid contact with small fish or invertebrates that may be harmed. It is best kept with larger, peaceful tankmates and positioned away from corals or other sensitive organisms.
Typical Habitat