The Pictus Blenny, also known as the Painted Blenny, is a small, peaceful reef-safe fish with a unique mottled pattern and vibrant coloration. This species is known for its charming personality and its functional role as an algae grazer. Its striking appearance and active behavior make it an excellent choice for nano and mid-sized reef tanks.
Care Information
Special Features - Mottled Coloration and Algae Grazing
The Pictus Blenny is adorned with a mottled pattern of brown, tan, and subtle green hues, providing excellent camouflage in its natural environment. It actively grazes on algae, contributing to a cleaner and healthier aquarium ecosystem.
This blenny is peaceful and thrives in community tanks with other non-aggressive species. Avoid housing it with highly aggressive or territorial fish that may harass it. Provide plenty of rockwork and hiding spots to reduce stress.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations