The Orange Spot Prawn Goby, also known as the Spotted Shrimp Goby, is a peaceful and beautifully marked marine fish, featuring a pale body adorned with bright orange spots. Known for its symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp, this goby is a favorite among reef aquarists for its fascinating behavior and vibrant coloration. It spends much of its time near its burrow, acting as a sentinel while the shrimp maintains their shared home. This goby is an excellent addition to tanks with sandy substrates and plenty of rockwork.
Care Information
Special Feature - Symbiosis with Pistol Shrimp
The Orange Spot Prawn Goby often forms a symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp, where the goby serves as a lookout while the shrimp excavates and maintains a burrow. This natural partnership is both beneficial and fascinating to observe in a home aquarium.
This goby is peaceful and compatible with other non-aggressive tankmates. It thrives in tanks with shrimp species and other bottom-dwelling fish. Avoid housing it with large, aggressive fish that may disturb its burrow or stress the goby.
Typical Habitat