Hammer Corals are LPS corals named for their hammer-shaped tentacle tips. They are closely related to Frogspawn and Torch Corals and are admired for their flowing movement and vibrant green, gold, or pink colors.
Care Requirements:
Lighting: Moderate (PAR: 80–150). Performs well in steady light conditions such as LED or T5 lighting.
Flow: Moderate to low. Gentle water movement allows tentacles to sway naturally without causing retraction.
Feeding: Photosynthetic but benefits from supplemental feedings of meaty foods like mysis shrimp or coral-specific pellets 1–2 times per week.
Propagation: Easily propagated by cutting individual heads from the branching skeleton. Ensure frags recover in a low-flow environment.
Aggression: High. Emits sweeper tentacles to defend its space and can sting nearby corals.
Placement: Mid-tank areas with moderate flow and ample space to avoid contact with other corals.
Pests: Vulnerable to algae growth on exposed skeletons. Regular cleaning and stable water quality are essential.