Naoko's Fairy Wrasse is a rare and striking reef-safe species, admired for its brilliant coloration and peaceful temperament. This wrasse features a vivid magenta-to-pink body, complemented by orange and yellow highlights, and a vibrant dorsal fin that adds to its dynamic appearance. A relatively small and hardy species, Naoko's Fairy Wrasse is a perfect choice for aquarists seeking an eye-catching fish that thrives in community and reef tanks.
Care Information
Special Features - Vibrant Coloration and Active Behavior
Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse is notable for its vivid magenta-pink body with contrasting orange-to-yellow markings. Its active swimming style and inquisitive nature make it a lively and visually captivating presence in the aquarium.
This wrasse is peaceful and works well in community tanks with other non-aggressive or semi-aggressive species. Avoid pairing it with overly aggressive fish or large predators. A tight-fitting lid is essential, as it is prone to jumping.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations - Lid Requirement
Like other fairy wrasses, Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse is an active swimmer and a known jumper. A secure lid or mesh cover is crucial to prevent escape.