The Longhorn Cowfish, known for its distinctive boxy shape and long horns, is a fascinating and quirky addition to marine aquariums. Its vibrant yellow body is adorned with blue or white spots, making it as beautiful as it is unusual. While relatively peaceful, this fish requires careful care due to its sensitivity to water quality and its ability to release toxins when stressed, which can harm tankmates. Best suited for experienced aquarists, the Longhorn Cowfish thrives in a spacious and stable environment.
Care Information
Special Feature - Unique Appearance and Behavior
The Longhorn Cowfish is unmistakable with its boxy shape, vibrant yellow coloration, and long horns extending from its head. Its curious and slow-moving nature makes it a delightful species to observe.
This cowfish is peaceful and works well in community tanks with other non-aggressive species. Avoid housing it with fin-nippers, fast swimmers, or predatory species that may stress or harass it.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations