The Lined Dartfish is a sleek and peaceful reef-safe species known for its elongated body and striking horizontal lines that run the length of its body. This active and social fish is a great choice for community and reef tanks, often forming pairs or small groups. Its graceful swimming behavior and stunning coloration make it a delightful addition to aquariums with ample swimming space and rockwork for shelter.
Care Information
Special Features - Graceful Behavior and Striking Patterns
The Lined Dartfish is easily recognized by its horizontal lines of blue and yellow, which shimmer under aquarium lighting. Its streamlined body and darting swimming behavior add constant activity and interest to the tank.
This species thrives in peaceful community setups and is best kept in pairs or small groups. Avoid housing it with aggressive or predatory tankmates that may intimidate or outcompete it. A secure lid is essential, as this species is prone to jumping when startled.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations - Lid Requirement
This species is an active swimmer and a known jumper. A tight-fitting lid or mesh cover is essential to prevent escape.