The Lawnmower Blenny, also known as the Jeweled Blenny or Algae Blenny, is a hardworking and unique fish known for its ability to control algae growth in marine tanks. With its distinctive appearance—featuring mottled brown, tan, and white colors, and its amusing personality—this blenny is a favorite among aquarists. Its constant grazing on algae makes it an excellent addition to the tank's cleanup crew, particularly for those struggling with hair algae.
Care Information
Special Feature - Algae Grazer
The Lawnmower Blenny is an excellent natural algae grazer, feeding on various forms of algae, including hair algae and film algae. Its constant grazing helps maintain a clean and balanced tank environment. While it primarily feeds on algae, it is important to provide supplemental food if algae levels decrease in the tank.
The Lawnmower Blenny is peaceful and generally gets along with other fish, though it can be territorial towards other blennies or fish with similar body shapes. It thrives in tanks with plenty of live rock for grazing and hiding.
Typical Habitat