The High-Fin Snapper, also known as the Blue-Lined Sea Perch, is a striking and unique species known for its elongated dorsal fin and vibrant yellow body with electric blue horizontal lines. As a juvenile, its colorful patterns and peaceful demeanor make it an attractive addition to large aquariums. However, as it matures, it grows to a significant size and develops a more predatory nature, making it better suited for large, fish-only setups or public aquariums.
Care Information
Special Feature - Eye-Catching Juvenile Patterns
The High-Fin Snapper is particularly prized for its vivid juvenile coloration, featuring a yellow body with bold blue horizontal stripes and an impressive, elongated dorsal fin. As it matures, the coloration remains vibrant, but its predatory tendencies increase.
This snapper is best kept with other large, semi-aggressive fish in spacious tanks. Avoid housing it with small or delicate species that may be seen as prey. Suitable tankmates include groupers, larger wrasses, and tangs.
Typical Habitat