The Green Wrasse, also known as the Pastel Green Wrasse, is a vibrant, hardy fish known for its vivid green coloration and active personality. This wrasse is a great addition to larger reef or fish-only tanks, where it helps with pest control by feeding on small invertebrates like flatworms and bristle worms. It’s an excellent choice for beginners due to its resilience, though it requires a soft sand substrate to burrow into for sleeping and a secure lid, as it may jump when startled.
Care Information
Special Requirements - Sand Substrate and Secure Lid
The Green Wrasse is a burrower and will dive into the sand to sleep or when feeling threatened, making a soft sandy substrate essential. It is also known to jump when startled, so a secure, tightly fitted lid is required to prevent escape.
The Green Wrasse does well in community tanks with other semi-aggressive or peaceful fish of similar size. Avoid housing with small, delicate invertebrates, as it may consume them, especially in smaller tanks or where food is limited.
Typical Habitat