The Golden Head Sleeper Goby, also known as the Golden Head Sleeper Goby, is a functional and visually striking species that brings both beauty and utility to reef and community aquariums. With its bright yellow head and pale body, this goby sifts through the sand in search of food, helping to aerate the substrate and maintain a clean and healthy tank environment. Its peaceful temperament and practical behavior make it a favorite among aquarists.
Care Information
Special Features - Sand-Sifting Behavior
The Sleeper Gold Head Goby is known for its sand-sifting behavior, which helps aerate the substrate and reduce the buildup of detritus. This natural activity promotes a healthier tank ecosystem and prevents dead spots in the sandbed.
This goby is peaceful and thrives in community setups with other non-aggressive species. Avoid housing it with large predators or overly aggressive fish that may stress it. It may form symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp but does not rely on this pairing to thrive.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations - Lid Requirement
The Sleeper Gold Head Goby is prone to jumping, especially in response to stress. A secure lid or mesh cover is essential to prevent escape.