The Blue Leg Hermit Crab is a popular and practical addition to marine aquariums, valued for its vivid blue legs with black bands and its ability to clean algae and detritus from the tank. Known for their hardy nature and functional behavior, these hermit crabs are ideal for maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem. They are also reef-safe when well-fed but require plenty of empty shells to avoid conflict.
Care Information
Special Features - Algae Control and Bright Coloration
The Blue Leg Hermit Crab is not only functional but also visually appealing, with bright blue legs that add a pop of color to your tank. Its constant grazing behavior helps control nuisance algae and keep the tank clean.
This hermit crab is peaceful and works well in reef tanks with other small, non-aggressive invertebrates and fish. Avoid housing it with large predatory species like triggerfish or puffers that may view it as food.
Typical Habitat
Special Considerations