The Blue Eye Kole Tang, also known as the Two Spot Bristletooth Tang, is a beautiful and active species that features a rich, dark brown body with a unique spotted pattern and striking blue eyes. This tang is highly valued for its ability to graze on algae, making it an excellent addition to reef tanks where algae control is needed. Like other bristletooth tangs, it uses its specialized teeth to scrape algae off rocks and aquarium surfaces, helping to maintain a clean and healthy tank.
Care Information
Special Feature - Algae Grazer
The Blue Eye Kole Tang is highly effective at controlling various forms of algae in the tank, including film and detritus algae. Its specialized bristle-like teeth allow it to scrape algae off rocks, glass, and other surfaces, making it a valuable member of the tank's cleanup crew. Offering a varied diet that includes plenty of algae or algae-based foods will ensure its health and longevity.
This tang is generally peaceful but may show territorial behavior toward other tangs or fish with similar body shapes, particularly in smaller tanks. Providing ample space and plenty of live rock for grazing will help reduce aggression.
Typical Habitat