The Blotched Anthias, also known as the Borbonius Anthias or Checked Anthias, is a rare, highly sought-after species prized for its striking coloration and unique blotched pattern. Its pale pink to lavender body is decorated with irregular red and purple spots, setting it apart from other anthias species and making it a standout in any reef tank. Known for its shy but peaceful nature, the Blotched Anthias is a deep-water species that thrives in well-established tanks with plenty of rockwork and dim lighting to mimic its natural habitat.
Care Information
Special Considerations - Deep-Water Adaptations
As a deep-water species, the Blotched Anthias is adapted to lower light levels, cooler temperatures, and higher pressure than typical home aquariums. This sensitivity can make them prone to stress if lighting is too intense or water quality fluctuates. To better replicate their natural habitat, provide dim lighting, stable parameters, and avoid sudden changes in water quality. Acclimation should be gradual to reduce stress, as they are especially sensitive to rapid changes in temperature and water chemistry.
Unique Pattern and Coloration
The Blotched Anthias displays a beautiful blotched pattern of red and purple spots across its pink to lavender body. Its striking coloration, combined with its graceful, peaceful behavior, makes it a captivating centerpiece for well-maintained aquariums.
Behavior and Compatibility
This anthias is generally shy, especially when first introduced, and may spend time hiding among rocks. Once acclimated, it will become more active, especially in a calm, low-stress environment. It’s best housed with other peaceful species, and tankmates that won’t outcompete it for food. Providing ample hiding spots and lower lighting will help it feel more at home.
Typical Habitat