The Blood Red Shrimp, also known as the Fire Shrimp or Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp, is a stunning and sought-after marine invertebrate prized for its deep red coloration and vibrant white spots. Its peaceful temperament and symbiotic cleaning behavior make it a valuable addition to reef tanks, where it will remove parasites and debris from other tank inhabitants. This shy yet captivating shrimp prefers dimly lit areas and thrives in a stable, mature aquarium with plenty of rockwork and hiding spots.
Care Information
Special Feature - Cleaning Behavior
The Blood Red Shrimp is known for its symbiotic relationship with fish, where it removes parasites and dead tissue. This behavior contributes to the overall health of tank inhabitants and provides a fascinating interaction for aquarists to observe.
This shrimp is peaceful and highly compatible with most reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Avoid housing it with predatory species like large wrasses or triggers, which may prey on it.
Typical Habitat