The Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse is a fascinating and functional marine fish known for its dual-toned coloration and its symbiotic cleaning behavior. With a black front half and a white to pale yellow rear, this wrasse stands out in any aquarium. It provides cleaning services to other fish by removing parasites and dead tissue. However, due to its highly specialized diet and natural behaviors, the Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse is a challenging species to keep and is best suited for advanced aquarists.
Care Information
Special Challenges - Feeding and Survival
The Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse is notoriously difficult to feed in captivity, as it relies on a diet of parasites and mucous from other fish in the wild. Providing a sufficient diet in an aquarium setting is a challenge, and even with supplemental feeding, it may not thrive without frequent access to live foods.
This wrasse is peaceful and best housed in a community setup with larger, cooperative fish that benefit from its cleaning behavior. Avoid housing it with highly aggressive species or fish that do not tolerate cleaning attempts, as this can cause stress.
Typical Habitat